Todd Allen
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From country to gospel or just rockin’ some of the pioneers of music, Todd is the ultimate performer. He has entertained thousands, from all walks of life with his incredible voice and charisma. “I Just want to use the talent God gave me to bring joy to others. I keep it REAL.”-Todd.
Todd and his wife are also the proud owners of The Lewis Ranch Experience, the former home of piano player Jerry Lee Lewis! Visit www.thelewisranchexperience.com to tour the museum today!
"You don't have to go to Nashville to find great talent...He's terrific and you will love him!" - Carl Unger, owner Buck Lake Ranch, Angola, IN
"(Chubby) Checker and Todd Herendeen, were the clear favorites of the audience" -Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette
"...This guy's terrific!!!" - Diamond David Somerville
Show is equipped with full band, sound and tour bus! We are ready to travel to your town to put on the show of a lifetime! Fairs, Festivals, Corporate Events, Dances, Theatres...What ever your venue we can put a show together for your needs!” We have several shows. Our popular Tribute to the Legends show, first half of this show is a variety of 60's and 70's hits from Cash, Orbison, Diamond, and many more. Second half is Elvis Tribute. We also have a gospel show, a Neil Diamond Tribute show, a Johnny Cash Tribute show and a Roy Orbison Tribute show. All done with Todd Herendeen and his FTD Band!
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