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Writer's pictureAngel Erendeen

Panama City May 7-14

Dear Friends,

We are honored to be a part of 7:14 week in Panama City, FL!  Please join us and feel free to tell friends or family and invite them!  Thank you! Be in prayer with us! Christians putting 2 Chronicles 7:14 into Action. May 7-14 2015. This is the week Christians have chosen To humble themselves and pray and seek His face for a spiritual renewal. People and churches All over America are joining in this week of action by holding services, prayer meetings,  Praise and worship time and good ‘ol revivals. Challenge yourself or your church to link arms  With fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in this call to action week. Christians have wanted revival. Revival is here. Now is the time. May 7-14 2015. May 7 is the National Day of Prayer and May 14 is the day Israel became a nation. Don’t let this stop at you, pass it on. Be in action for God. 

Watch our video of who is involved all around the country: Thank you for sharing and doing your part! #714week

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Twitter: @714calltoall 

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